Category: Hungarian

  • [Hungarian] Interrogative and Relative Pronouns: Basic

    At its core, this concept is simple, but there is quite a lot to go over. To (hopefully) avoid overwhelming anyone new to this concept, I’ll be splitting this into 3 posts again. This first post will go over the common, basic pronouns that you will encounter most regularly. The…

  • [Hungarian] Expressing Potential: -hat/-het vs ‘tud’

    You may have already learned about ‘tud‘, and how to express ‘can/cannot‘ in this way. BUT there is another way that potential is expressed in Hungarian – and you guessed it, it’s by adding another suffix. -hat/-het will only be attached to verbs, and it will always come BEFORE the…

  • [Hungarian] Literary/Formal Conjunctions

    This is the third and last post in a 3-part explanation of different conjunctions in Hungarian. This particular one will focus on more literary or formal conjunctions, some of which are used in common speech and others that you will more often see in literature. You can read my post about connecting/contrasting/comparing…

  • [Translation +vocab] A titkod nem leszek – Rácz Gergő

    Hát itt vagyok, kicsit beszaladokMiért nézel így, mi a bajod?Olyan furcsa vagy, mi a bajodHogy a levegő megfagyott? Well here I am, I’ll pop in for a bitWhy are you looking (at me) like that, what’s your deal?You’re (acting) so strange, what’s your deal?Why did the air get so cold?…

  • [Hungarian] Conjunctions: Explanatory

    This is the second post in a 3-part explanation of different conjunctions in Hungarian. This particular one will focus on explanatory conjunctions. You can read my post about connecting/contrasting/comparing conjunctions here. mert: BECAUSE Mert will always come at the beginning of a subsequent clause (you can’t place it at the beginning of…

  • [Hungarian] Conjunctions: Connecting/Contrasting/Comparing

    This is the first post in a 3-part explanation of different conjunctions in Hungarian. This post focuses on conjunctions that connect, contrast, or compare clauses. The other posts will cover explanatory conjunctions and more literary/formal conjunctions. Note that not all of these are technically considered ‘conjunctions’ in Hungarian, but they…

  • [Translation +vocab] Ősz utca – Szakács Gergő

    Next up is a translation from one of my favorite Hungarian artists. I’ve enjoyed all of his songs and I’m very fond of the lyrics. Ősz utca (Autumn Road) – Szakács Gergő my full translation is also available on lyricstranslate 🙂 Végül nem jöttélNincs már közös út ezutánA legmélyén hagytálElzár…

  • [Translation +vocab] Tűz – Bencsik Tamara

    So I know I’ve posted some translations I’ve done before, and I was thinking about adding more that I’ve done and including a vocabulary list with them. This would be for advanced beginner or intermediate+ learners who already have a decent grasp of basic grammar. I have personally advanced a…

  • [Hungarian] Postpositions with Cases

    Certain postpositions require the relative object to take a specific case. This is not necessarily a comprehensive list, but I’ll be going over some of these and showing how they work.  Át OR Keresztül – across, throughTakes: superessive case -(o/e/ö)n Szeretnék utazni a világon át/keresztül (I would like to travel…

  • [Hungarian] Postpositions of Location

    Postpositions of location are basically what they sound like – postpositions that refer to direction or placement. This direction/location can be either toward/away from something, or static (no movement). They decline similar to the locative cases. Note that each version of these (static, toward, away) can take a possessive suffix,…